Saturday, October 17, 2009

More work is still being made, and I have more ideas for more projects. As well, in some cases, I am working on more than one project at a time. Still, I have to think of tying everything together, though I much rather just make, get the work on the wall, and think broadly afterward. This is not to say that I am not thinking about what I am making and that it does not relate at all: it does relate in fact.
A current thought on my mind is transition. Of course, transition can be applied to many topics. Light to dark. Bright to dull. Bad to worse. It could even have a sort of transcending or ascending quality to it. It deals with separation as well as a gradation between two things that exist according to one another. Transition charts a distance between things as well: even time itself. This, I believe, is what makes it relevant. Transition in time. These are still just thoughts, and unrefined ones at that. However, though the thought it is still just a thought, a painting is underway.
C.S. Lewis, when writing about God and his being timeless wrote, that if a line on a page is the course of all time (past, present, and future) in which we are traveling, then God is the whole page that the line is drawn on. That is something to think about, as well I am.
More to come to be sure.


  1. Good stuff Steve. Where's the CS Lewis from?

  2. Thanks brother, and the Lewis is from Mere Christianity.
