Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I started a painting, however, production has been somewhat slow. I suppose my schedule has not been as doting, if you will, in terms of allowing time to come in and work. Not to mention that I have recently fallen ill. None-the-less, I believe it is still up to me to make the time to work (as to say, I shouldn't make excuses). Anyway, work goes on--reading--writing--and so on. Unfortunately, I have no images, as well, most of the images I have been posting were posted for the sake of posting. Verywell-- Adieu.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

More work is still being made, and I have more ideas for more projects. As well, in some cases, I am working on more than one project at a time. Still, I have to think of tying everything together, though I much rather just make, get the work on the wall, and think broadly afterward. This is not to say that I am not thinking about what I am making and that it does not relate at all: it does relate in fact.
A current thought on my mind is transition. Of course, transition can be applied to many topics. Light to dark. Bright to dull. Bad to worse. It could even have a sort of transcending or ascending quality to it. It deals with separation as well as a gradation between two things that exist according to one another. Transition charts a distance between things as well: even time itself. This, I believe, is what makes it relevant. Transition in time. These are still just thoughts, and unrefined ones at that. However, though the thought it is still just a thought, a painting is underway.
C.S. Lewis, when writing about God and his being timeless wrote, that if a line on a page is the course of all time (past, present, and future) in which we are traveling, then God is the whole page that the line is drawn on. That is something to think about, as well I am.
More to come to be sure.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Older work I'm trying not to forget about.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

(Something I'm working on.)

Work is coming along, though it is somewhat slow. I find I am writing and reading more than anything, but all are a means to an end. Ideas are flowing, and I am gradually chipping away at the production. I must say, that I am particularly satisfied with the way things are going, and judging on the responses I have been receiving, others are too. However, I am still in the process of trying to make sense of some things. All in good time, I believe, everything should fit into place. I hope to be able to have images up on this page soon if all goes well.
As well, here is a snippet of thought from a artist statement I wrote recently that pertains to my current work. As they are thoughts, and it is still early on, I dear say things are subject to change or to be built upon.

"Time is something we are all familiar with, moving through, and in one way or another, are dependent upon. It envelops all things as we know them, as well as things past and not yet present, and is in every way uncontrollable. In my working I have raised these questions to myself about these issues and what they mean to me: The idea of time being given as a means of something expendable, as well as the idea of time being taken/spent as apposed to it being used. Could time have a limit? If so, where is the line drawn and could we see it if we tried?"

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Images: courtesy of Photo Booth.

Progress is being made, though I dare say it will be some what difficult to upload images at this point, being that my card-reader has melted. Tragic to be sure, yet none-the-less, it does not hinder my making. Work is much under way, and progressive at that. Working with collage elements and found ground has been proving to be an enriching experience. I have been working with old photos, and, as I said, found ground with collage elements to create somewhat of a nostalgic yet foretelling vision of humanity as we (knew/know) it: including hopes, as well as fears. The future, and more importantly, Eternity, has been on my mind greatly and undoubtedly charges my thought towards these works. Reading, writing, music, meditation, and thought have been widely embraced in my way of working (not that it's ever been so different), and I find it crucial to what I do. Not all has come together to make perfect sense to me yet, nor do I ultimately expect it to. I am a tool in the hand of a far greater craftsman.

The workers are few.